Monday, November 30, 2009

Does wet n' wild cosmetics sell at walmart? why does it so cheap? does it good?

i saw those cosmetics with a very cheap price, like $1 for a tube of lip stick?Does wet n' wild cosmetics sell at walmart? why does it so cheap? does it good?
Well, as with everything you get what you pay for. The lipstick will rub off quickly and the nail polish chips almost immediately after drying. But if you are looking for bright colors and don't have a problem reapplying constantly, then Wet N Wild will work for you.Does wet n' wild cosmetics sell at walmart? why does it so cheap? does it good?
Walmart does in fact sell Wet N Wild as does Zellers. They tend to be alot of bright colours in Wetnwild. Perhaps, not a good idea unless you want to look like a clown.
nail polish is good and maybe lipgloss but tht bout it
Yes Walmart sells wet N wild. IT's geared more toward younger girls, so it's very affordable. I think if you want lipstick, it's fine, but powders or stuffs that stay on your face, you should stay away from it, since I don't know if the cheap price means it has harmful chemicals.

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